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A few steps from the town centre
Opposite to the hotel
With a view of the Stelvio ski slope
Taste and tradition
Free access
Many exclusive services
Mens sana in corpore sano
A stay of pure relaxation
Jeremy says
We choose the hotel for its proximity to the ski slopes and were not disappointed! The staff were super friendly and most hospitable. Our room and bathroom were spotless and had a balcony with a stunning view of the main piste. As a bonus the hotel also has a heated pool and was great to relax in after a day of skiing! We had one dinner at the hotel and was somewhat disappointed in that it did not serve local Italian cuisine. Breakfast was adeguate and enough to get the day started with some great coffee! A most pleasant stay and fantastic skiing conditions.
Via Funivia, 34
23032 Bormio (SO)
Opposite to the ski slopes in the winter. The perfect starting point to challenge the legendary alpine passes and the most beautiful climbs in the summer.
Via Funivia, 34
23032 Bormio (SO)
Hotel Funivia di Daniele Schena
codice fiscale e n.iscr. al Registro Imprese SCHDNL72S26B049K
partita iva 01050360146
REA SO - 78966
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Hotel Funivia di Daniele Schena | P. Iva 01050360146 | CIR: 014009-ALB-00055